Kerang Catholic Parishes

Kerang - Cohuna - Pyramid Hill
Catholic Mass Times
February 2025
St Patrick's, corner Nolan Street and Wattle Avenue, Kerang.
Sunday 16th February: 10.30am Mass
St Mary's, King George Street, Cohuna.
Sunday 16th February: 9.00am Mass
St Patrick's, Victoria Street, Pyramid Hill.
Saturday 15th February: 6.30pm Mass
St. Patrick's Kerang, St. Mary's Cohuna and St.Patrick's Pyramid Hill are parishes with great sense of community. The parishioners have worked hard to build parishes that prioritise the need of the people to help foster their love for God.
We, as one community welcomes you to be happy and be of service towards the need of others. All together as one, we journey as followers of Christ.

If you wish a visit for pastoral reasons like Reconciliation, Anointing and Communion at home, please do not hesitate to contact Fr. Boniface on his mobile 0467 716 714 or email him at
We are a child safe parish. Any children, young persons and vulnerable adults have a right to feel safe and be safe. If you are concerned about any form of abuse, or believe that someone is at significant risk, you should immediately raise your concerns with our Parish Child Safety Officers.
They can be contacted through the Presbytery Office telephone (03)5452 1041.
Please look for:
Kerang: Kyra Laughlin
Cohuna: Peter Doyle
Pyramid Hill: Anne Grogan

St. Patrick's Parish, Kerang
92 Nolan St., Kerang, Victoria
Tel: 03 5452 1041
St. Mary's Parish, Cohuna
95 King George St Cohuna 3568
Tel: 03 5456 2312
St Patrick's Church, Pyramid Hill
5 Victoria Street, Pyramid Hill 3575
Tel: 03 5452 1041