Kerang Catholic Parishes
Kerang - Cohuna - Pyramid Hill
Sacraments of Initiation
If you want your child/ children to be baptised please contact one of the volunteers to organise a date for the baptism and for a seminar before the baptism.
For St. Patrick's Kerang
Gerardine Prendergast (0438 061 675)
For St. Mary's Cohuna
Judy Doyle (0417293811)
For St. Patrick's Pyramid Hill
Fr. Dean (03 5452 1041)
The sacrament of Confirmation is part of the Sacramental Program of the Catholic Schools in the Cluster Parishes of Kerang, Cohuna and Pyramid Hill. This sacrament is done together with the sacrament of Eucharist after your sacrament of Penance.
Please Contact:
Joanne Richardson (St. Joseph's School, Kerang),
Marie Kelly (St. Mary's School, Cohuna),
John O'Connor (St. Patrick's School, Pyramid Hill)
If you do not belong to the Catholic Schools please contact the parish office and look for the contact persons from the different parishes so that we can include you in the sacramental program.
Please Contact:
Gerardine Prendergast (St. Patrick's Parish, Kerang),
Gerardine Prendergast (St. Mary's Parish, Cohuna),
Anne Grogan (St. Patrick's Parish, Pyramid Hill)
The sacrament of Eucharist is part of the Sacramental Program of the Catholic Schools in the Cluster Parishes of Kerang, Cohuna and Pyramid Hill. This sacrament is done together with the sacrament of Confirmation after your sacrament of Penance.
Please Contact:
Joanne Richarson (St. Joseph's School, Kerang),
Marie Kelly (St. Mary's School, Cohuna),
John O'Connor (St. Patrick's School, Pyramid Hill)
If you do not belong to the Catholic Schools please contact the parish office and look for the contact persons from the different parishes so that we can include you in the sacramental program.
Please Contact:
Gerardine Prendergast (St. Patrick's Parish, Kerang),
Gerardine Prendergast (St. Mary's Parish, Cohuna),
Anne Grogan (St. Patrick's Parish, Pyramid Hill)