Kerang Catholic Parishes

Kerang - Cohuna - Pyramid Hill

Confirmation Mass2021
Congratulations to all the children from our parishes and schools who received the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist, special thanks to all your families, sponsors, teachers, sacramental program team and to the parishioners for all your support and prayers for the candidates…

Confirmation Mass 2021
Congratulations to all the children from our parishes and schools who received the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist, special thanks to all your families, sponsors, teachers, sacramental program team and to the parishioners for all your support and prayers for the candidates…

Pyramid Hill
Confirmation Mass
Congratulations to all the children from our parishes and schools who received the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist, special thanks to all your families, sponsors, teachers, sacramental program team and to the parishioners for all your support and prayers for the candidates…

Easter 2021
(April 4 2021)
On easter we enter into the mystery. We contemplate Jesus, there in the tomb, dead. In that tomb, he is dead, exactly the way each of us will be dead. We don't easily contemplate dying, but we rarely contemplate being dead.

What am I doing during the lockdown?
(MAY 15 2020)
Simple projects to keep me busy in the presbytery include repainting the presbytery kitchen, doing the lawns (backyard only) and some woodworks. All these things are possible because of YouTube for tutorial and Pinterest for inspiration. Special thanks for the tools lend by Frank and Marianne Kelly and some tips from Gerry O’Donoghue.

St. Patrick's Pyramid Hill
(APril 20 2019)
We officially welcome Ron and Jenny Peacock into our Catholic Christian Community.

St. Mary', Cohuna, Confirmation weekend
(AUGUST 12 2018)
Three children have received the Sacraments of First Eucharist and Confirmation during Mass at St Mary’s Catholic Church at Cohuna.

St. Patrick's Kerang, Confirmation weekend
(AUGUST 12 2018)
Nine children have received the Sacraments of First Eucharist and Confirmation during Mass at St Patrick’s Catholic Church at Kerang.

Pyramid Hill Filipino Led Mass
(July 28 2018)
Cuppa after the First Filipino Led Mass at St. Patrick's Church, Pyramid Hill this year 2018... Every last Saturday of the Month, you are all invited for Filipino Led Mass in Pyramid Hill.

Pyramid Hill Working bee
(July 22 2018)
Special thanks to all the Pyramid Hill parishioners who helped during our working bee.

New Website
(21 July 2018)
The Cluster Parishes of Kerang, Cohuna and Pyramid Hill have launched the new website:

Parish New Kitchen (15th July 2018)
St. Mary's Parish, Cohuna: The parish new kitchen have been finally been blessed last Sunday after the 8:30am Mass (15th July 2018). It was blessed by Fr. Novie and there was morning tea after the blessing.