Kerang Catholic Parishes

Kerang - Cohuna - Pyramid Hill
Sacramental Program
The Role of Parents
Parents are the first faith educators of their children and most particularly model this through the witness of their lives. Parent involvement in sacramental preparation is crucial in shaping the values and attitudes of each child. Knowledge is not the key factor for parents but faith and a willingness to spend time sharing with their child is an important element.
Parental Commitment
The family is the place where a child's real education in faith occurs. What happens within the family shapes the child's appreciation of God, the Church and the child's encounter with God through the Sacraments. We ask then that parents also make a commitment to this Sacramental Program by attending a Commitment Mass and the giving of the different prayers like the “The Creed” and “The Lord’s Prayer”. This encouragement and support will enable your child to benefit from the best preparation possible.
From the Parish
The Parish will have two ways in our Sacramental Program, we will have a school based and a parish based. The school-based sessions will provide the kids who are in St. Joseph's School, Kerang, St. Mary’s School, Cohuna and St. Patrick's School, Pyramid Hill the Parish based are for children not in a Catholic Schools.
The school based will be done in school however, there is still a need for the help of the parents when it comes to homework regarding the Sacraments. The parish based will be done by the Parish Priest and a representative from the different parishes. The families need to decide a time where the Parish Priest and the Parish Representatives can visit. It will be a guided discussion.
Please Contact:
(St. Joseph's School, Kerang)
Phone: (03) 5452 1426 Email:
Graecen Cartwright (St. Mary's School, Cohuna)
Phone: (03) 5456 2062 Email:
If you do not belong to the Catholic Schools please contact the parish office and look for the contact persons from the different parishes so that we can include you in the sacramental program.
Please Contact:
Gerardine Prendergast (St. Patrick's Parish, Kerang),
Gerardine Prendergast (St. Mary's Parish, Cohuna),
Anne Grogan (St. Patrick's Parish, Pyramid Hill)
Fr. Minh Tran (Kerang, Cohuna and Pyramid Hill Catholic Parishes)
Parish Priest
Phone: 0481 721 831 Email: